6 Ways You’re Ruining Your Skin This Winter

Cool, strong wind blowing. Snow. Snow. Winter has made its excellent interior, meaning your skin is getting wrinkled. You can think of a bit of lotion here, and this season you need to get rid of the skin problems, but chances are you will find many more things to do to find winter skincare routines. Required.

1) Ditching the SPF

The beach provides sunscreen for Trolox, but it’s easy to forget about skincare when it comes to sweaters and shoes. Kayifamilys  Invest in solid sunscreen all year round – like Soorum Daily Defense Cream – and keep wearing it on your face and any other exposed skin.

2) Not changing cleansers.

The skin has different needs in different seasons. In the summer, you tend to resort to more aggressive cleansers and exfoliants to deal with oily skin or excess dirt, especially during hot periods. But the same products won’t cut it in the winter when your skin is more likely to need gentle cleansing and moisturizing. Find something that is both mild and hydrating, such as Sturm Nourishing Daily Cleanser, perfect for dry and sensitive skin.

3) Skipping pedicures.

Sandal season can be like a pedicure season, but hiding your feet in boots for months and forgetting about them is not the best plan. Maintaining a regular pedicure during the winter keeps blackouts and rough patches away, making it easier to slip on these sandals when spring arrives.

4) Applying moisture at the wrong time.

It can make a difference when you use your lotion. Immediately after a shower is often the best time to turn off the moisture, so grab it before putting on clothes when the skin is still slightly moist with water.

5) Decreasing water intake.

It is easy to drink water in summer, but leaving water in winter will not help you. Keep a water bottle with you, and avoid loading very hot, caffeinated beverages, which can cause you to become more dehydrated. If you are having trouble drinking plain water, add a little lemon or fresh fruit to make it delicious.

6) Not reading skin’s needs.

If you are constantly using a product but still have dry, flaky skin, this is probably not right. If it survives in the summer, it can be very harsh. Or it may not have suitable moisturizing properties. If you pay attention, your skin will tell you what it needs.

Once you’ve tackled your winter skincare routine, be sure to show your hair some TLC as well.