Experienced Minor Child Guardianship Lawyer
With the caring and knowledgeable assistance for which they are well-known, Mellany Marquez-Kelly can make the process of establishing a minor guardianship as streamlined and painless as possible. Securing a safe, secure, and caring home for a minor is a process protected by federal and state statutes. A guardianship is a legal relationship assigned by the court to a…
Relocation / Change of Domicile Lawyer IN FORT MYERS, FLORIDA
There is a multitude of reasons the primary parent of a child will have to move to a new location with the child. A job relocation, familial obligations, and a new job entirely are just a few of the common causes of a significant move. When the parents of a child/children are divorced or do…
Modification of Custody / Child Support / Alimony
When there has been a substantial and material change in circumstances after a final judgment of Paternity or Dissolution of Marriage, either party may petition the court for a modification. Florida courts have made it very clear that there must be a substantial, material, unforeseeable, and involuntary change in circumstances that was not contemplated at the…