Language Disorders | Best Speech and Language Therapy in Bangalore | CAPAAR

Language is a socially shared code for representing concepts through the use of arbitrary symbols and the rules governed combinations of those symbols. Language problems can occur both in children as well as in adults. When it occurs in children, it is termed as Child Language Disorders and when it occurs in adults it is referred to as Adult Language Disorders.

Language problems can be because of a ‘delay’ in the acquisition of normal speech language developmental milestones (commonly seen in children) or due to a specific ‘disorder’ wherein the language is qualitatively different from what is said to be typical.

When there is impaired comprehension and/or use of spoken, written and/or other symbol systems, then Language Disorder is said to exist. This involves ‘Disorders of the Form of language’, ‘Disorders of the Content of language’ & ‘Disorders of the Function of language’.

At CAPAAR, the Clinical Services for Language Disorders includes the following:

a. Clinical Services for Child Language Disorders

These include:

  • Assessment and Treatment of speech language delays related to developmental disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorders.

  • Assessment and Treatment of language disorders in pre-school children like children with Specific Language Impairment

  • Assessment and Treatment of speech language delays in conditions like ‘Mental Retardation’ & ‘Hearing Impairment’

  • Assessment and Treatment of speech language disabilities in school going children with ‘Learning Disabilities’

  • Assessment and treatment of delayed or disordered language or cognitive communication disorders involving both comprehension (Receptive Language skills) & expression (Expressive Language skills)

  • Assessment and treatment of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders

  • Assessment and treatment of children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders

  • Assessment and treatment of hearing impaired children with hearing aids as well as cochlear implants.

  • Auditory Verbal Therapy for cochlear implantees

  • Comprehensive & Inclusive Speech Language Therapy with regular daily sessions that is aimed at total integration

  • Daily Counseling session for the parents of the affected kids to facilitate strong back up home training activities; and to keep the parents in the right track towards achieving the ultimate goal

b. Clinical Services for Adult Language Disorders

These include:

  • Assessment and Treatment of language disorders like Aphasia.

  • Assessment and Treatment of language disorders associated with Right Hemispheric Damage.

  • Assessment and Treatment of language disorders associated with Traumatic Brain Injury.

  • Assessment and Treatment of language disorders associated with Dementia.

  • Assessment and Treatment of language disorders associated with Primary Progressive Aphasia

  • Assessment and Treatment of language disorders associated with Sub-Cortical Aphasia.

  • Assessment and Treatment of language disorders associated with Schizophasia.

Beyond everything, we at CAPAAR, uphold the dignity of Profession & Persons served professionally by promoting “Principles of Evidence Based Practice” in the management of children & adults with various communicative disorders.

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